My 10 Best Stories

Plus, my 10 most popular and 5 most underrated ones

Niklas Göke
2 min readMar 2, 2021
Image by the author

My 10 Best Stories

These are my best stories as in “I think this is my best work.” In no particular order:

  1. All These Flaws You See In Yourself Aren’t Real
  2. The Future of Learning
  3. If You Want To Be Happy, Make The World Small
  4. The Strong-Link Theory Behind Successful Careers
  5. 3 Simple Words Will Set You Free
  6. How To Achieve More Than You Think You Can
  7. You Don’t Need An Identity To Have A Life
  8. We Used To Just Live
  9. You Don’t Need a Goal, You Need a Theme
  10. What Is Love?

My 10 Most Popular Stories

#2, #9, #10 would have made the best stories list, but alas, no double mentions ;)

  1. How to Identify a Smart Person in 3 Minutes (830k views)
  2. You’re Not Lazy, Bored, or Unmotivated (709k views)
  3. The Worst Rebrand in the History of Orange Juice (434k views)
  4. If You Forget As Fast As You Read, This Is For You (264k views)
  5. Learn Structured Thinking in 3 Minutes (221k views)
  6. A Phone Setup That Will Make You More Mindful (185k views)
  7. 40 Things I Love About Myself (155k views)
  8. The 5 Qualities of Emotionally Mature People (129k views)
  9. The 7 Cardinal Rules of Life (101k views)
  10. Self-Improvement Has Made Me Worse (99k views)

My 5 Most Underrated Stories

These are the stories where I most wish they would have found a wider audience than they did:

  1. Your Only Job Is to Let Yourself Be Good Enough (I think this might be my best story of all)
  2. Everything We Do Is Not For Today
  3. Why You Should Trust People First
  4. Tomorrow Can Be a Good Day
  5. Be Fast When It Matters

Keep in Touch?

If you want to know when my next book is coming out, you can sign up here. I’ll also send you my best stories once a month or so.

Who Are You?

My name is Nik. I was born and raised in Germany, but I’ve loved English since 5th grade. So, in 2014, I began to teach myself how to write.

I’ve now been doing that for eight years, and in those, millions of people have read my work. I’ve been featured on CNBC, Business Insider, and right here on Medium, among others.

If you want to know more, you can read why I write or see what I’m up to now.



Niklas Göke

I write for dreamers, doers, and unbroken optimists. Read my daily blog here: