If You Want the Zig, Accept the Zag

Stop trying to have it both ways in life

Niklas Göke
2 min readDec 3, 2020


Photo by Fabio Rose on Unsplash

Life isn’t fair, and that’s a good thing.

Volatility is your friend, because volatility means change — and only if there is a capacity for change can there be a capacity for growth.

Often, we don’t want the volatility because we fear the change will be negative. What we don’t realize is that by wishing for stability, we also wish life would limit our potential — and that’s not a sensible thing to wish for.

Rarely in life can you have it both ways, and while it’s natural to focus on protecting your downside, it’s easy to forget the upside altogether — but the potential for upside is always there.

Let’s say you’re a Youtuber, and, from one month to the next, your views drop 50%. That’s alarming, and so you complain about it, both in private and in public. You raise all kinds of hell with Youtube, you worry a lot, and you wish “things would just go back to normal.” But what if your views had doubled?

You wouldn’t be complaining. You’d be celebrating. You’d announce on social media how proud you are, and how long and hard you’ve worked to deserve this. You wouldn’t message Youtube and thank them. You’d think you’ve earned this success, and you’d be right — but you can’t have it both ways.



Niklas Göke

I write for dreamers, doers, and unbroken optimists. Read my daily blog here: https://nik.art/