Me at Holi 2014 in Munich.

Here Are 9 Useful Social Skills You Can Pick Up Quickly

How Introverts Can Be Great At Socializing

Niklas Göke
3 min readJul 28, 2017


I’m an introvert, which means it’s a challenge for me to start conversations. Especially with strangers. How do you deal with that?


Make it easier for others to talk to you.

I’m trying to do that by being nice without saying a word. So here are 9 silent social skills that don’t cost a thing.

1. Hold the door

The single greatest social skill I’ve picked up in the US. Whichever door I go through, I always turn around and see if there’s someone there I can hold it for.

Don’t hold the door expecting a ‘thank you.’ Hold the door simply because you’re the type of person who holds doors for others.

2. Smile

You don’t have to go all Julia Roberts on everyone, but it’s always nice to see the corners of peoples’ mouths tilted upwards. Helps them deal with their day.

“Peace begins with a smile.” ― Mother Teresa

3. Establish eye contact

They say eyes are the gate to the soul. I don’t know about that, but it definitely builds trust. Especially if…



Niklas Göke

I write for dreamers, doers, and unbroken optimists. Read my daily blog here: